I get to work with amazing people and wonderful brides.
I always want more, I'm not sure if that from being a woman or just a part of me pushing to do better?
I joined the Association of Bridal Consultants less that 6 months ago. I have attended meetings in Detroit and Ann Arbor. It was so inspiring to see everyone in the industry coming together and talking about all the great things that each of them have to offer. I said to myself... I want a group like this in the Jackson and Lansing area. So as of January 1st 2013, I went to every networking meeting and outlet so I could to get the word out. Nothing is ever easy, it was a lot of hard work and long hours.
I got a list of names, address, and e-mails and started planning my first meeting.
It was going to be held on February 12th 2013.
I had Kate McClellan the Director of the Detroit Chapter of the Association of Bridal Consultants be the guest speaker for the event, she is also the State Coordinator for Michigan.

We had an ok turn out, however it was just the first meeting. It can only get better.
The meeting was held at the Commonwealth Commerce Center and the catering was provided by Davan Catering. The Balloony Bin provided the balloons that welcomed you at the front door.
Save the Date Events & Decor provided the liens and the table decor.
The meetings work like this.
1st there is meeting and mingling, so bring lots of business cards.
2nd there is an educational piece to every meeting.
3rd then there is everyone that contributed to the meeting, they get to showcase their business to the entire group with a 5-10 min presentation.
4th grab a bit to eat and drink and enjoy!
If you would like to become part of this group, please e-mail me at savedateevents@yahoo.com
I'm also looking for help and volunteers for the next meeting, which is going to be in May in Lansing.
Thanks for reading!
Curtrina Brenner